Saturday, August 23, 2008

Discover what's truly possible...

Transform your life and your love of it in a mere three days and an evening.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Say 'cheese'...

"The best and most beautiful things

in the world cannot be seen...

or even touched...

they must be felt with the heart."

Wedding photography by
Kara A. Reilly

Monday, August 18, 2008

Drop by our post-wedding celebration

With some of our friends unable to get off work to attend our ceremony and classic cable car ride on Saturday, October 11th, we've decided to hold a post-wedding celebration the following evening, on Sunday, October 12th, as well.

Our friends at Harry Denton's Starlight Room have graciously said they would hold the event in their restaurant, located at 450 Powell Street (at the corner of Sutter Street, just north of Union Square), on the 21st floor of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. The view of the City from up there is amazing.

Kevin and I will be there to welcome our friends and family starting at 7:00pm, getting one last day's use out of our tuxedo rentals, cutting and serving the proverbial wedding cake, and watching everyone else get drunk and dance. It's a "no host" affair, so come prepared. We love ya, but not enough to get you sloshed at our expense. Hehe.

The Sunday celebration is open to all and does not require a formal invitation and RSVP, but feel free to let us know via email that you'll be dropping by anyway.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Where'd ya meet?

Would you believe us if we told you:

It's true. And neither one of us had to take them up on their "Six Months Free" guarantee. Money well spent.
* Liberties have been taken with the official logo.
We're here. We're queer. Get used to it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It was no accident

Our wedding day, October 11th, coincides with "National Coming Out Day." Is there something you want to tell us?

Take the vow... Vote NO on Proposition 8

Monday, August 11, 2008

By invitation only*

The honor of your presence
is requested at the marriage of

Geoffrey Paul Gamble
Kevin Paul Metzger

on Saturday, the eleventh of October
two thousand eight
at two o’clock in the afternoon

at San Francisco City Hall’s Civic Center
at the intersection of Larkin and Fulton Streets
San Francisco, California
with a three-hour Classic Cable Car tour
of the City to follow

*Formal invitations to intended guests forthcoming via U.S. Mail, beginning Monday, August 18, 2008, with traditional RSVP required by Friday, September 19, 2008.

Just doing our part

12 Reasons Same-Sex Marriage will Ruin Society

  1. Homosexuality is not natural... much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.
  2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.
  3. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children... because straight parents only raise straight children.
  4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful... since Britney Spears's 55-hour, just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
  5. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and it hasn't changed at all: women are property, Blacks can't marry Whites, and divorce is illegal.
  6. Gay marriage should be decided by the people, not the courts... because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of minorities.
  7. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of the official state religion are always imposed on the entire country.
  8. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay... in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall.
  9. Legislating gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. Please may even wish to marry their pets, because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage license.
  10. Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
  11. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.
  12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name, are better... because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays and lesbians.

THINK about it. Take a STAND.

Copyright and reprinted from

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Save the date: October 11, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

California's top court legalizes gay marriage
By LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer -- Thursday, May 15, 7:45 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO - California's Supreme Court declared gay couples in the nation's biggest state can marry — a monumental but perhaps short-lived victory for the gay rights movement Thursday that was greeted with tears, hugs, kisses and at least one instant proposal of matrimony.

Same-sex couples could tie the knot in as little as a month. But the window could close soon after — religious and social conservatives are pressing to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot in November that would undo the Supreme Court ruling and ban gay marriage.

In its 4-3 ruling, the Republican-dominated high court struck down state laws against same-sex marriage and said domestic partnerships that provide many of the rights and benefits of matrimony are not enough.

"In contrast to earlier times, our state now recognizes that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation," Chief Justice Ronald George wrote for the majority in ringing language that delighted gay rights activists.

"It's about human dignity. It's about human rights. It's about time in California," San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, pumping his fist in the air, told a roaring crowd at City Hall. "As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. It's inevitable. This door's wide open now. It's going to happen, whether you like it or not."

The justices said they would direct state officials "to take all actions necessary to effectuate our ruling," including requiring county marriage clerks to carry out their duties "in a manner consistent with" the court's decision.

James Vaughn, director of the California Log Cabin Republicans, called the ruling a "conservative one. The justices have ensured that the law treats all Californians fairly and equally. This decision is a good one for all families, gay and non-gay," Vaughn said.The case was set in motion in 2004 when the mayor of San Francisco — the unofficial capital of gay America — threw City Hall open to gay couples to get married in a calculated challenge to California law. Four-thousand gay couples wed before the Supreme Court put a halt to the practice after a month.

Two dozen gay couples then sued, along with the city and gay rights organizations.

Citing a 1948 California Supreme Court decision that overturned a ban on interracial marriages, the justices struck down the state's 1977 one-man, one-woman marriage law, as well as a similar, voter-approved law that passed with 61 percent in 2000.

California's secretary of state is expected to rule by the end of June whether the sponsors gathered enough signatures to put the gay-marriage amendment on the ballot.

Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has twice vetoed legislation that would have granted marriage to same-sex couples, said in a statement that he respected the court's decision and "will not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state Supreme Court ruling."