Saturday, October 25, 2008

"ProtectMarriage," my ass

Ron Prentice, Edward Dolejsi, Mark Jansson, and Andrew Pugno are petty thugs and extortionists.

These executive committee members -- their campaign chairman, executive director of the California Catholic Conference, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and one of their attorneys, respectively -- have "warned" businesses that have given money to California's largest gay rights group that "they will be publically identified as opponents of traditional unions unless they contribute to the same-sex marriage ban, too," noted the Associated Press.

So, it seems that the umbrella group behind the pathetic "Yes on 8" campaign is resorting to blackmail in the final days up to the election November 4. And you were unclear how gay people and their supporters have been threatened and discriminated against in this day and age?! Take it in.

"Make a donation of a like amount to which will help us correct this error," read their ransom-note-like letter . "Were you to elect not to donate comparably, [...] the names of any companies that [...] have given to Equality California will be published."

The list of "No on Prop. 8" supporters include Pacific Gas & Electric, Levi Strauss, and AT&T. Donations for the good cause can be directed to

Stop the HATE! Vote NO on PROP 8!

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