Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We're still married... deal with it!

CAIRNS, Australia -- Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 2:35pm
Greetings from the future. As I write this, Kevin and I are on the other side of the world, enjoying our delayed honeymoon in Australia. In Cairns, it's tomorrow, and having just heard the news regarding the California Supreme Court decision that affirms our marriage last October, we're raising a glass in celebration of the 18,000 other same-sex couples who got married during that brief period between June and November last year, while our state had a brief moment of sanity. We also take pause concerning the Court's other decision, upholding Proposition 8 and the rights of bigots everywhere to strip their neighbors of their constitutional right to marry the one they love. So, the fight continues. For protests and demonstrations in your area, check out http://www.dayofdecision.com/. We'll join you when we're back in the States. Until then, to those who wish us well, God bless. All others can go fuck themselves.

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